Farm for the Future in Tanzania

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Kverneland collected stories from female farmers around the world. One of them is Grace Kimonge, a 33 years graduate from Sokoine University of Agriculture with 8 years working experience in the agricultural industry in Tanzania. She works on the “Farm for the Future”, on which modern ag equipment is used, including drones.

The “Farm for the Future” is located in the Iringa region, Kilolo district. This part of the region is semi-arid, receiving by around 700 mm average rainfall annually. Total area of the farm is 350 ha, of which 120 ha are under Irrigation and 230 ha under rainfed, soils are predominately sandy loam. Major crops at the farm are seed maize, sugar beans Macadamia. Recently it has started seed potato production. The farm has a range of equipment but also recently invested in new modern farm equipment from Kverneland including GEOSPREAD spreader, Kverneland Optima HD 8row planter, 7 tine & Tine with Cage Roller Ripper, Qualidisc Farmer disc Harrow and XAG100 drone. This investment in technology is playing a significant role in increasing productivity to enhancing food security and nutrition.

Core values at the farm are Responsibility, Commitment and Results oriented. Grace believes that these three core values are the basis to let the farm increase efficiency in its operation, being productive, as well as being a sustainable farm. The farm also is providing training to local farmers on good agricultural practices (GAP).

Grace choose this occupation being driven by her passion to work hands on in the food value chain and precisely in the primary production of food. She was also inspired by her mother who worked very hard on her small farm near their house to feed her family when her husband passed on. Grace managed to complete her university studies and declared to herself that agriculture is the right industry for her, as her passion is also her livelihood.

Grace’s favorite implement on the farm is the Kverneland Optima HD 8 row planter. She’s  amazed by the difference in potential yield, compared to previous season before purchasing this implement. This precision planter is clearly a gamechanger for her and makes a big difference, on yield as well as production cost for seed producers.

“I feel great, trusted and a sense of equality when I am able to perform all duties previously regarded as for men. I realized that farming cannot be limited by gender and there are limitless possibilities in this industry.”


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