25 years Pöttinger JUMBO

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The JUMBO loader wagon from Pöttinger has been on the market for a quarter of a century. Good reason to flashback and celebrate this anniversary milestone.

The first JUMBO was presented in 1999. At that time, the machine was regarded as “a new dimension in large-capacity silage wagons”. Also it stood up to the emerging field chopper. The JUMBO stood for performance, high forage quality, operational reliability, economy, comfort and easy maintenance. Also it was the first machine at Pöttinger to be designed entirely with 3D CAD. The JUMBO now is a substantial part of Pöttinger’s export portfolio, counting around 90 per cent of the company’s  turnover.

Over the past 25 years, the JUMBO has undergone many improvements. Experience and development resulted in a range of innovations. An absolute novelty was the option for short-chopping the crop. The JUMBO 8000 model was the world’s first 25-millimeter harvester wagon. Other innovations included the EASY MOVE swing-out knife bank, which ensures ergonomic working. The JUMBO beater rotors are used to loosen the crop. The fully automated AUTOCUT knife sharpening system ensures consistent cutting quality throughout the entire working day. The pick-up is responsible for the clean and tidy collection of the crop. The once rigid front panel of the JUMBO 1000 has now become a movable, smart front panel. While the JUMBO was designed for tractors with up to 280 hp in 1999, the 7000 and 8000 series can be powered by tractors with a maximum of 500 hp.

As a favourite on farms and with contractors, the JUMBO has dedicated fans around the world – even outside agriculture. T-shirts and caps for young and old are very popular. The loader wagons in toy format, the JUMBO pedal tractor trailer for kids and many other fan articles are also in great demand.

The first JUMBO loader wagon was launched in 1999
Latest family member is the compact JUMBO 5000

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