FeedRate predicts crop density

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The Advanced Feedrate Control system developed for Case IH Axial-Flow combines has been awarded a Silver Medal in the Innovation Awards, presented by the DLG, organisers of the upcoming Agritechnica ag machinery exhibition. It predicts crop density before it enters into the machine.

In contrast to solutions that alter machine parameters once the crop has entered the combine, Case IH Advanced Feedrate Control, uses forward-looking radar sensors to scan and assess density of the crop before it enters the machine, rather than during the threshing process. The information generated by the four header-mounted radar units, which measure the complete plant mass from the ground up for a highly-accurate crop density assessment, is used to automatically adjust key settings, such as forward speed for the crop volume the machine is about to ingest. As a result, combine forward speed and engine load are maintained as closely as possible to the desired level, maximising output without the risk of blockage. In addition, experienced operators are able to get the maximum from their machine, while those less experienced can be more confident they can push the combine without fear of it blocking.

Boost workrates

Because operators have the ability to work at faster ground speeds than might otherwise be possible, the development of proactive Advanced Feedrate Control has the potential to boost workrates by up to 20% when compared with a combine fitted with the established reactive automated feedrate intake. Greater consistency of throughput speeds harvesting, minimises losses and improves grain quality, while reduced blockage risk improves safety and minimises inconvenience and downtime.

The system is fitted the VariCut header paired with the Axial-Flow 7160 combine. In addition to Advanced Feedrate Control, the new models incorporate full AFS Harvest Command connectivity.

“The Agritechnica awards panel’s recognition of the benefits offered by this development is really gratifying,” says Peter Friis, Head of Combine Business for Case IH in Europe.

“The proactive Advanced Feedrate Control provides the ability to get the most from the combine’ potential regardless of operator experience, enabling users to maximise output in short weather windows without risk of overloading.”

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