Plant-specific spraying with beeleap

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Carbon Bee, provider of real-time weed recognition camera systems, and BBLeap, provider of advanced spray technology, enter into a strategic partnership. With their newly developed beeleap, they open the way to plant precision spraying with real-time technology and variable rate applications.

beeleap integrates real-time detection with accurate spraying technology combined with a cloud environment for integrated crop protection management. The new product enables farmers to spray exactly where it is needed and with the desired rate and droplet spectrum for the best spray result.  

This allows farmers to perform real-time treatments, plant-precision on farm-level. The benefits are more ease of use, reduced resource usage, improved spray quality, and increased yields as standout results.

How it works

Real-time detection and interpretation: beeleap uses advanced camera’s and data analytics to track the individual needs of plants in real time. This means that spray application is adjusted based on the specific needs of each plant, optimising the use of resources.

Real-time variable and precise execution: beeleap allows farmers to tailor the application of resources to match the precise demands of their crops. This not only reduces waste but also promotes healthier plants leading to a sustainable agriculture.

Cloud solution LeapSpace: The detections and executions are stored in maps on LeapSpace. Maps can be used for data analysis or used as base for applications done with application maps.

Combine application maps with real-time detection:  beeleap enables farmers to combine historical data with real-time insights, this approach opens new doors for more effective integrated crop management.

Short term results: Resource savings on farm-level, improved efficiency on plant-level, increased job satisfaction, improved crop yields, healthier crops and more biodiversity.

Long term results: beeleap contributes to the preservation of natural resources and a reduction in the overall carbon footprint of agriculture.

From the first practice, it became apparent that beeleap delivers results in real-time, variable and plant-specific spraying on farm-level. Farming, innovation and user experience are paramount. beeleap is convinced that variable, plant-specific real-time spraying is the solution for the agricultural sector and our planet, always the right dose at each plant.

“The collaboration between BBLeap and Carbon Bee represents a significant step forward for the future of farming.” says Gerald Germain, CEO of Carbon Bee. “beeleap offers farmers capabilities by enabling plant-specific spraying on farm-level. We are excited to introduce beeleap to farmers and generations to come.

“beeleap is the result of the shared vision of Carbon Bee and BBLeap, where we believe that plant-specific spraying on farm-level paves the way for sustainable agriculture,” says Peter Millenaar, CEO of BBLeap. “We are convinced that this collaboration will set a new standard for farmers in the world“.

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