The new Einböck CHOPSTAR-MAX row-crop cultivator is equipped with the ROW-GUARD camera steering system.
“Besides the main objective of mechanical weed control, the new NEXAT implement is also designed to break up and aerate the soil. This increases the crop’s yield! In addition, chemical weed control products can be reduced,” explains CEO Klemens Kalverkamp.
NEXAT is an integrated plant production system in which every application is self-propelled. The advantage is that implements are carried, rather than pulled. In addition, the Widespan-CTF (Controlled Traffic Farming) method reduces the area driven over by up to 95%, which has a positive effect on soil health and leads to higher yields in the long run.
NEXAT and Einböck share the same values and are also very similar in the way they work. As a result, this first common project came about very quickly after a meeting at last year’s Agritechnica show,” the companies said in a joint press release.
Following the successful testing of the innovative pre-series machine this spring, which was used on 14 m / 50 ft at a row distance of 50 cm / 20’’ in corn, further tools for mechanical weed control are to be produced next year for the NEXATs in use worldwide.