Väderstad, specialist producer in tillage, drilling and planting machinery, reached a new record turnover for the financial year 2022. From EUR 420 million in Full Year 2021, the company passed EUR 550 million in 2022.
It has been another very special year for many global businesses. The pandemic Covid-19 continued to have an effect, with both an increased sick leave and disruptions in material deliveries, the prices on steel has skyrocketed – while the war in Ukraine that started in February has had a big impact on both agriculture as a whole and Väderstad as a company.
Meanwhile, the demand for Väderstad’s product has continued to be high where their innovations continue to play a significant role for farmers looking to produce more output with less input.
“It has been yet another good year for many farmers with high grain prices and a strong willingness to invest. Our sales show strong figures but at the same time we, together with many other businesses, have been heavily affected by both Covid-19, high material prices especially on steel and the Russian war against Ukraine”, says Nicklas Bjersér, Vice President Finance & Legal at Väderstad.
While FY22 was a big year for Väderstad in terms of sales, the financial result has been somewhat suffering because of the situation in the world. “We have a lower result than previous year but given the above-mentioned external circumstances, which mostly are out of our control, we are satisfied with the outcome”, according to Nicklas Bjersér.
Väderstad has recently released the Sustainability Report for 2022. The company aims to help farmers produce food in an efficient and sustainable way.